Anchor Project: If we want to stop little kids from being trafficked, we need to start training protectors

Written by Anna Glider, Founder & Executive Director, Anchor Project

People often ask me why I am passionate about the issue of human trafficking. I find it difficult to convey it in just a few words. For as long as I can remember I have always been a human rights advocate. I believe in dignity and value of every human life and in fighting for those who don’t have a voice.

26 years ago, is when I first encountered human trafficking while on a work assignment in an Asian Country. Thinking that this heinous crime can’t possibly reach the Unites States, my country, a country that accepted my family and I as immigrants in 1992 while escaping a communist regime. No sensible person believes that slavery can happen in the 21st century far less on our shores. We couldn’t have been more wrong…

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